Wellness tests can aid in the optimisation of your overall health, this short guide will help guide you through our range blood tests that are focused on health and wellness.
This blood test is a general wellbeing screen focusing on general vitality and wellness, and assesses a broad range of parameters than can be used for the early detection of health problems, developing conditions, and diseases. It is recommended for people who would like to closely manage their health, the test screens the following:
A Full Blood Count test can give a general indication about your health and wellbeing, it provides an overview of the white and red blood cell concentration within the blood, but it also measures the amount of haemoglobin, haematocrit, and platelets in the blood. This blood test is particularly helpful in diagnosing and monitoring a variety of conditions, especially in regards to blood conditions such as:
Consisting of a FastPoc allergy test, this test uses a blood sample to screen for the 20 most common allergens, if you are concerned about a potential allergy, and would like to confirm these suspicions, this is the blood test for you. Common indications of an allergic reaction are symptoms such as a swollen face, coughing, itchy skin, sneezing, rashes, and breathlessness. The test screens some of the following allergens:
This blood test provides a measure of the biomarkers prominent within the liver and kidney, because these two organs work in unison, if either the kidney or liver starts to develop serious problems, it will have an affect on the function of the other. Raised levels of any of the below values can potentially indicate an issue developing in the kidneys or liver, however, because abnormal results can point to conditions not involving the liver, it is always important to regularly monitor levels. This test measures the following biomarkers:
This blood test focuses on providing a broad overview of your health and general fitness, it can be used to guide fitness regimes and weight loss. The fitness blood test screens a wide variety of factors that include the following:
Our vitality screen will provide you with an overview of your general health, wellbeing, and vitality, the tests that are included have the ability to diagnose any potential condition or aliment that may be affecting you. Additionally, the screen can aid in the early detection of health conditions, the following is tested in this screen:
This wellbeing screen is a panel of multiple tests to give an indication of overall wellbeing. Monitoring can help indicate the body's response to changes such as the initiation of a new fitness regime or weight loss or gain plan.
This includes sample collection at our clinic, Results available the same working day or up to 24 hours, Includes 12 key Biomarkers
The advanced anaemia screen includes tests for haemoglobin levels and a full blood count. The results of these tests can show whether you have any signs of general health problems, as well as giving an indication of your overall blood health.